Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Trend analysis and advice for AIPGEE 2011

AIPG EE 2011 is just two days away and it’s time to analyze the trends. Looks like the question banks are getting exhausted and question papers are becoming more and more predictable. The last examination that was termed difficult by the students was AIIMS Nov 2009 examination. After that it has been repetitions from previous papers. But as you all know by now, these repetitions will not guarantee any success because all the students get the same question paper. You should call yourself lucky and feel happy if each student gets a different paper and only yours happens to be the easiest paper.

It is not a minimum marks exam (like your UG where if you cross a certain level, you are declared "pass"). It's a maximum marks exam (you can reach upto 100%). So easy paper vs difficult paper equation does not hold good in this situation.

Here the relative superiority counts (you need to be better than others). In a tough exam, even with 130-140 answers you can top the nation. In an easy exam like May 2010 AIIMS, even with all questions answered with 95% of them being correct, you may not stand anywhere.

With examination standards falling down and papers becoming easier.... it's becoming a thing to worry and not to rejoice, because most of the students will get most of the questions right and the “Number of deciders” (Number of questions that will decide the rank spectrum) will become small (the rank spectrum becomes narrow). Hence even a single unforced error will throw you back by 50- 100 ranks.

So try to get maximum correct and make minimum unforced errors.

Unforced errors are done by those students who heavily depend upon MCQs in their preparatory phase. Typically such students know the right answer but they can’t explain its basis - why & how. They are more prone for unforced errors because a small twist in the question or a small change in one of the options will make them confused.

Coming to the trends, the only way they are making a paper difficult is by taking questions from AIPG MEE (medical) question papers esp. Pharmacology. Of course other basic subjects are also being taken from medical papers but Pharmacology is the most commonly used weapon. So all those who are confident of dental and basic science concepts, but wish to know how to spend the last 48 hours and what would be the best bet, I recommend Pharmacology and medicine questions from three previous AIIMS and AIPG papers (medical side).

Last but not the least – Don’t make the mistake to spending the last 48 hours trying to solve the chronically controversial questions - because most of them are wrongly framed by students based on their memory after the examination. And spending too much time on these will not take you anywhere near the right answer because the structuring of the options itself is wrong. They will not add to your knowledge. Plus you may lose your confidence and the final battle because of this unrewarding endeavor …  and this may cost you the rank and the seat….. because….

‘It is not just the knowledge but more importantly the confidence on the day of examination that decides the winner.’

All the best !!!

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