Sunday, February 8, 2015

What is most likely keeping you away from your rank?

There are people who don't know there is something wrong in their preparation. And there are people who know there is something wrong in the way they are preparing; yet they take no action to correct themselves.

Taking action is the part most people don't do. It is not enough if you are aware of where others are going wrong, where you are going wrong, and what are the corrective measures to be taken. The need of the hour is to take action. This is one trait that defines successful people and separates them from others.

AIPG is one month away. 30 days are not too many but just enough to implement the changes and get a mindblowing result.

It is much better and much safer than doing a faulty line of thinking that 'where is the time to make that change when only 30 days are left. I have been doing these three books and about 400 to 500 MCQ per day. Why break that routine!'.

The real question and the ultimate decider is 'whether your current strategy is giving you enough knowledge and confidence or it is making you just familiar with MCQs.'

Ask yourself today ~ 'Are you on the right path? Or you need to change?'

"Take Action"

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